How Big is the Baby at Nine Weeks Pregnant?
By pregnancy week 9 your baby is between 22 and 30 mm long, (that's about an inch) or about the size of a large grape. Your baby weighs less than one ounce at 9 weeks pregnant, but will soon start putting on weight dramatically as you continue your pregnancy week by week.
Your Baby's Growth and Development
Your baby is growing like crazy during pregnancy week 9. By pregnancy 9 weeks most of the aspects of your baby's physical structure such as head, arms, legs and torso are in place. If you were to peek in on your little one you'd find they resemble a miniature human being (one with a very large head!). Because your baby's organs and limbs are forming, in the next few weeks your baby will be putting on weight. Your baby's tail should have disappeared by now, and your baby's organs and muscles should be functioning on their own. It's hard to believe that something so small can function so completely isn't it!
During pregnancy 9 weeks your baby's eyelids will fuse shut and won't open up again until your baby is about 27 weeks along. Your baby's face is becoming more distinct every day, with the mouth, nose and nostrils becoming clearly visible. By nine weeks your little one will even have developed sex organs, however your healthcare provider won't be able to discern them quite yet. Typically the sex of your baby can be determined by ultrasound between 18 and 20 weeks gestation.
Your baby's heart should have divided into four separate chambers by pregnancy week 9, as your baby swims about gleefully in her warm and cozy home.
Your Growth and Development
Your uterus is still growing at 9 weeks pregnant, now closer to a small cantaloupe than a grapefruit. By pregnancy week 9 you may notice that you feel more bloated and lethargic than ever before. You may notice an increase in weight gain, which may be more associated with fluid retention than actual weight. This may apply throughout your pregnancy week by week. One thing you should avoid doing while pregnant is weighing yourself every day. Weight gain can fluctuate as much as 1-5 pounds in the course of a single day, and such fluctuations can be discouraging. If you can hold off until your prenatal visits, you might avoid the pain of constant weight fluctuations. If however you are determined to weigh yourself frequently during pregnancy, consider weighing once a week, at the same time of day right after you get up in the morning and void your bladder. Doing so will provide the most consistent results and will help eliminate excessive worries about daily weight changes. A new pair of maternity jeans will relieve the anxiety related to weight fluctuations.
Not all the weight you gain is stored as fat. At birth your baby may weigh between 6 to 8 pounds. The uterus expands during pregnancy and may weigh about 2 pounds. The afterbirth or placenta generally weighs 1.5 pounds. Your breast tissue will grow during pregnancy and may weigh up to 1.5 to 2 pounds. Your blood volume will increase and add up to 4 pounds of weight. The fluid retained by your body during pregnancy can weigh as much as 4 pounds. The amniotic fluid surrounding your baby will weigh approximately 2 pounds. The maternal fat stores will add about 7 pounds of weight to your total weight gain. By the end of pregnancy you will gain approximately 18 to 35 pounds.
Here's the skinny on losing pregnancy weight after you deliver your baby... most women will lose the bulk of their pregnancy weight in the first three months after delivery. In general you will lose 10-13 pounds during the birthing process from the weight of the infant and placenta. An additional 7-11 pounds will be lost after the first postpartum week. The remaining extra pounds will be shed with good eating habits and a regular exercise program. You will be back to your normal weight and fitting into your pre-pregnancy clothes in just a short few months as long as you take care to exercise and eat healthily in the weeks following pregnancy.
Changes in You
Many women start experiencing pregnancy related mood swings and anxiety during pregnancy at 9 weeks. You may alternate feelings of elation with feelings of trepidation. Many women find themselves crying over small things like commercials when pregnant. Remember that this is perfectly normal, and largely the result of the increased number of hormones floating through your system. Higher than normal levels of progesterone can also lead to more fatigue which can influence your moods.
If this isn't your first pregnancy, by 9 weeks pregnant you may have noticed that your belly has 'popped' just a bit. This is an exciting time, though many women look forward to the months where they are actually showing and not simply looking a little rounder than usual.
Some unpleasant pregnancy symptoms that might pop up during this pregnancy at 9 weeks are bloating and gassiness. Many women find they are more prone to flatulence and burping, as well as highly abnormal guttural sounds during pregnancy. Relax, and know that these too are normal and simply the result of increasing hormone levels, particularly progesterone in your body.
Pregnancy Pillow
A Dream Enhancement Tool during Pregnancy
Pregnant women are more likely to experience unusual dreams during pregnancy. This often results from increasing levels of hormones rushing through your body, combined with many emotions surrounding the pending delivery of your newborn baby. Some women find their dreams very interesting while others find they interfere somewhat with their ability to feel rested after sleeping.
If you find you are having trouble sleeping at night you should consider enhancing your sleep environment. Simply relaxing and reducing stress and anxiety may help relieve worrisome dreams and ensure you have a pleasant night. Sleeping with a pregnancy pillow, such as Snoozer Pregnancy Pillows can dramatically improve your comfort and minimize any restless thoughts you have when you lay your head down to rest at night!
Maternity Clothes
Crops and Capris: Summer can’t Live Without Items
You can’t endure an entire summer without maternity crops and capris… not if you are interested in comfort, style and fun during the warmer months of the year! Just because you are pregnant doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look good. Let’s face it; crops and capris are some of the more popular clothing items for pregnant and non-pregnant women alike!
Most Crops and Capris at Mother Works, Inc (Motherhood Maternity) are made of stretchy fabric, so they not only feel great but also move with you your entire pregnancy. Go ahead, show off that belly! You earned every bit of it. If you are a hip and funky mom-to-be, why not check out the latest selections at for moms-to-be?
Pregnancy Health Tips
When was the last time you had your teeth cleaned? Are your gums red and puffy? Do your gums bleed when you brush and floss? If you answered yes to any of these questions you have an 18% increased chance of having a pre-term birth. Several studies have suggested that maternal periodontal disease may increase the risk for pre-term birth or low-birth-weight deliveries. Research has suggested that a visit with the dentist during pregnancy that includes a deep instrumental cleaning of your teeth may substantially lower your risk for pre-term delivery.
What's bad for the mouth is bad for the body; infections in the mouth can spread throughout the body, causing infection at distant sites. The infections associated with gum disease can produce periodontal toxins that cross the placenta, which may eventually result in pre-term birth. Pregnancy gingivitis is associated with red, puffy gums that bleed easily. The good news is with a visit to the dentist and intense oral care, gingivitis can be reversed and prevent the associated increase incidence in pre-term deliveries. Be sure you brush, floss, and rinse frequently and see a dentist regularly throughout your pregnancy to address any problems you may have and prevent new ones from interfering with your pregnancy. It's hard to believe but simple attention to your oral hygiene may be all that is needed to ensure a safe and healthy delivery.
The American Dental Association has recommended several patient brochures for education of periodontal disease recognition and prevention. These include: " Women and Gum Disease," "What is Scaling and Root Planning?" and "Gum Disease: The Warning Signs."
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