Best Time To Get Pregnant
For better or for worse, your age can be a factor when you are trying to get pregnant. No matter how hard we try to fight our age or look better than our actual age, our body and its reproductive system cannot be fooled. And there are better ages to get pregnant than other times in your life. The best time to get pregnant is in your earlier years, while waiting until your late thirties and forties can signal trouble for your pregnancy. Some women will see one age to be the best time to get pregnant for them, while others have another age entirely in mind.
Typically, women are most fertile at a younger age, making it the best time to get pregnant. Up until their mid-twenties, women are their most fertile and healthier and more active than they will be later in life. After their mid-twenties, the fertility levels of women decline and will continue to decline for the next decade. Once the woman is in her mid-thirties, the fertility rates drop drastically until ovulation eventually stops entirely. If a woman tried to become pregnant in her 40’s, she is much more likely to have an issue with infertility. For this reason, women in their 40's generallyl undergo more rigorous testing for a variety of abnormalities and potential problems.
Men, meanwhile, also are more fertile in their earlier years. However, their fertility lasts well beyond their thirties and they do not see a decrease in the amount of sperm they produce until roughly the age of 50. Many men, however, do not ever have a problem with fertility throughout their lives.
Why does age affect fertility so much and why are women more drastically affected by their age than men? Biology has the answer to this question. When a woman is born, she is given all of the eggs she will ever have. Women do not make more eggs throughout their lives, unlike men, who produce sperm throughout their lifetime. Women get older and the eggs inside of them get older as well, giving the woman an increased likelihood of birth defects, abnormalities and other difficulties during and after the pregnancy.
The odds of a woman getting pregnant after 30-years-old declines about 3.5% every year, making it not the best time to get pregnant. One reason for this decline aside from the aging eggs is the decline in the Follicle Stimulating Hormone. Many times, doctors will order a fertility evaluation if a 35-year-old woman does not conceive after six months of trying with her partner.
Even if your current age is not the best time to get pregnant, you can find medical options and alternative therapies that will make the possibility of pregnancy more promising. Age is a factor while getting pregnant, but even if medical research and statistics state that that this is not the best time to get pregnant for your age, you can discover a solution that will expand your family and create new happiness in your life.
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