During pregnancy week 7 your baby will grow tremendously, up to 13 mm in length! Your baby is much closer to the size of a large blueberry or small grape by 7 weeks pregnant than a pea.
Your Baby's Growth and Development
At 7 weeks pregnant facial features become more prominent in your newborn. Upon close investigation you may be able to discern a mouth and even a tongue (you actually can't see the tongue, but it is forming inside your baby!). During pregnancy week 7 your baby's eyes will also start to become more fully formed, and now have a retina and lens attached. The major muscle systems in the body also continue to develop during pregnancy week 7, and your baby begins to produce his own blood type. Your baby's movements will be uncoordinated at best at this point during pregnancy, but rest assured your little one is squirming about his new home.
If you were to look directly at your baby you would still be able to see slight webbing in the fingers and toes during pregnancy 7 weeks. Teeth are also starting to form on the inside of your baby's mouth, and thin veins start to peer out from beneath your baby's skin. Your baby's intestines and appendix should be formed by now. By this time your baby's liver is working diligently to start producing red blood cells. Your baby should be bouncing right along in his comfy and warm home!
Your Growth and Development
You still aren't showing much if at all by 7 weeks pregnant, though you might start noticing a small pooch look to your lower abdomen. You may find that your favorite pair of jeans is much less comfortable during pregnancy at 7 weeks than your worn pair of baggy sweatpants. You might start thinking about maternity clothes. Still, by and large most people will not be able to detect your pregnancy yet as you won't start really showing until many weeks in the future.
Though it may seem like an eternity waiting for changes to come, know that they will come with time! Before you know it your belly will be as big as a watermelon, so enjoy the last few weeks that you can still see your toes! They won't last very long.
Changes in You
Undoubtedly you have started feeling more and more pregnant by pregnancy at 7 weeks. You are probably still experiencing morning sickness. If you are prone to migraine headaches, you may find they are worse or better during pregnancy. While some women experience an almost complete relief of their migraine symptoms during pregnancy, others find that migraines come on with greater regularity.
Fortunately this will probably change as you follow your pregnancy week by week. Some women actually experience their first migraine during pregnancy. Migraines are generally caused by blood vessels that dilate in the brain. A migraine headache may start out like an ordinary headache, with dull pain or throbbing, but typically progresses and gets worse as time goes on. A constant pulsating sensation on one or both sides of the head is often a symptom of a migraine. Unfortunately a migraine is no ordinary headache. They are often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Some people experience what is called an aura during a migraine. This is wavy lines, or flashing lights before their eyes.
Migraines are usually not dangerous during pregnancy. If however your migraine is accompanied by other symptoms including fever or blurred vision, you should report your symptoms to your healthcare provider immediately! Know that there are certain triggers that may impact your susceptibility to migraines. These include the following:
* Stress
* Lack of sleep
* Chocolate
* Cheeses
* Wine
* Coffee
* Hormones
* Smoke
* Strong odors
While you can't control the hormonal changes that are occurring in your body, you can do some natural things to help relieve your discomfort. Some women find that a cold towel or frozen bag of peas on the head helps relieve the aching associated with a migraine. Others simply prefer lying down. Meditation and yoga may actually prove beneficial during pregnancy. While it is generally considered acceptable to take Tylenol during pregnancy to help relieve pain, other forms of pain relief including ibuprofen and aspirin should be avoided.
If your headaches are truly severe be sure to report them to your healthcare provider. There are some prescriptions that might be taken if the condition warrants it, and if the benefits of taking the medicine outweigh the risks associated with them. Know that this too in time shall pass, and when you are holding your bundle of joy in your arms any discomfort that you felt in the early months will be quickly forgotten.
Nursing Pillows
Providing Support For Nursing Mothers Everywhere. Regardless of where you live by now you have probably heard about the benefits of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is the ideal choice for newborn babies. Breast milk constantly changes and adapts to meet the needs of growing babies. It is also the least expensive way to feed a new baby.
The best way to feed your newborn baby and ensure a proper latch is by using a proper nursing support pillow, like those offered from Snoozer Pregnancy Pillows . A proper support pillow will help you and your baby develop a strong nursing relationship by ensuring you are comfortable throughout the nursing process. It will also help you work with your baby until he or she develops a strong latch during breastfeeding.
Maternity Clothes
Sleepwear That Says ZZZZZZZZZZ
Expectant mothers deserve to look beautiful AND feel comfortable while sleeping. That is why all moms-to-be should invest in at least a little sleepwear that makes them feel elegant and pampered while pregnant.
Sleepwear Motherhood Maternity from Maternity Works, Inc comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. You can find silky pieces, flannel wear and even cotton varieties to meet your personal preferences and needs. Keep in mind when searching for sleepwear that you should look for something with fabric that not only supports but moves with you. Many women prefer silky sleepwear that helps them glide across the sheets when attempting to shift positions in the latter stages of pregnancy. Remember, if you want to catch your zzz’s you simply can’t live without a good set of maternity sleepwear!
Pregnancy Health Tips
During pregnancy week 7 everything you place in your mouth has the potential to affect your unborn baby. Make sure you learn what foods to eat and what foods to avoid during pregnancy. Many women start having cravings during pregnancy. Cravings are a perfectly natural part of pregnancy, but taken to the extreme can lead to excessive weight gain during pregnancy. The most die-hard vegetarian may find themselves craving steak and other meat products during pregnancy. They may also find it difficult to eat many of the things they used to love, including leafy greens. Much of this is hormone related. Cravings may also be an indication that your body is deficient in certain nutrients. You may for example need more calcium if you are craving products with milk in them.
It is fairly common for your taste preferences to change significantly during pregnancy. This may be a result of your body's increasing metabolic demands and needs for additional calories. Some studies show that a woman's cravings change from trimester to trimester. Some of the more commonly reported cravings include pickles and salty snacks, though fruit is actually one of the most common cravings among women. Salty cravings may indicate that you need to incorporate more sodium into your diet (though you'll definitely need to drink more water if you crave salt, the excess salt can lead to bloating).
You may tend to gain more weight if you start eating foods that were formally 'off limits'. A vegetarian for example that starts indulging in T-bones and ice cream may find they gain weight more rapidly than a woman who has always eaten these things. The good news however, is that you can indulge your cravings to some extent without packing on an excessive amount of weight. The key is to allow yourself small indulgences without going overboard. If for example you have a craving for chocolate, consider having a mini chocolate bar rather than devouring the entire chocolate cake you made for your neighbor's birthday party. Incorporating many different types of food into your diet may also help combat and satisfy cravings.
Some women actually have very unusual cravings during pregnancy. Some common examples include paint chips, dirt or starch. This is actually a situation where you should not indulge your cravings and you should consult with your healthcare provider. You may have a condition known as pica. This condition is often linked to nutritional deficiencies.
Other cravings that may be harmful during pregnancy include cravings for raw products such as raw fish or eggs. Be sure you avoid any substances that might prove dangerous or harmful for you and your baby, and you should be able to manage the cravings that accompany pregnancy beautifully in the long run.
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