How Big is the Baby?
At 12 weeks pregnant your baby is just about two and a half inches long and weighs up to half an ounce!
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Your Baby's Growth and Development
Your baby continues to grow and develop tremendously during pregnancy week 12. You'll be amazed at the pregnancy week by week changes that start occurring within your baby in the upcoming months. Your baby's genitals will start showing signs of being either male or female soon. During pregnancy week 12, your baby's brain is starting to make hormones, and nerve cells are multiplying at a rapid rate. Your baby may be sucking as early as this week, and your baby's kidneys may even be producing urine.
By pregnancy 12 weeks if you stimulate certain points of your uterus your baby may move in response, though you won't be able to actually feel your baby moving for another few weeks!
Your Growth and Development
You are growing and expanding! By the end of pregnancy week 12 your uterus will pop out of your pelvis, and appear just above the pubic bone. It will continue to grow into your abdomen. While it may take nine months for your uterus to grow large enough to hold your baby, it will return to its pre-pregnancy size just weeks after delivery!
Your uterus will also weigh more and more as your pregnancy at 12 weeks continues to progress. By the end of your pregnancy your uterus will weigh up to 2 pounds, compared to 2.5 ounces prior to your pregnancy!
Changes in You
You might be noticing some skin changes during pregnancy 12 weeks. If you have a lot of freckles during pregnancy, they may start to darken after pregnancy week 12. Some women form a dark vertical line that runs the length of their abdomen during pregnancy. This is called the linea nigra. It usually appears sometime during the second trimester. It will gradually fade within a few weeks of delivery. The skin surrounding your nipples and areolas will likely darken as well.
Other women have patches of brown skin that form on the face and neck. These are commonly referred to as the mask of pregnancy, and usually disappear completely or become lighter after you deliver. You should always wear sunscreen during pregnancy to protect your skin, which may prove more sensitive throughout your pregnancy. There are many chemical free versions of sun block available on the market today, which are perfectly suitable during pregnancy.
Some women religiously use wrinkle creams and other skin firming lotions prior to pregnancy. If you typically use a product with high concentrations of Vitamin A, you should stop during pregnancy. Too much vitamin A can be harmful to you and your developing fetus. Vitamin A is found in prenatal vitamins up to 5,000 IUs. This is a beneficial dose for helping promote bone growth and support and strengthen the teeth. Larger doses of vitamin A however can cause liver damage and jaundice. If you aren't sure whether or not a product is safe, be sure to consult with your healthcare provider before continuing its use.
You may find that you are experiencing more heartburn than normal at 12 weeks pregnant. Heartburn is a burning sensation in the throat, chest and upper abdomen. This is a very common complaint during pregnancy at 12 weeks. It is caused by an increase in the hormone progesterone during pregnancy. Progesterone relaxes the valve between your stomach and esophagus. This relaxation allows stomach acids to enter the esophagus and cause severe irritation, which gives you the sensation of a burning feeling. Some great suggestions to relieve and prevent heartburn are as follows:
* Eat less at each meal and have six meals a day instead of three.
* Chew your food adequately and eat slowly.
* Drink liquids before and after your meals and not with them.
* For heavens sake stay away from fatty and greasy foods which will only make
the problem worse.
* Stay away from fizzy drinks, citrus juices and spicy meals.
* Do not eat before going to bed.
* Raise the head of your bed or prop yourself up with pillows which will help
minimize heartburn.
* Consider liquid antacids… they work much better than the tablet forms.
Seatbelt Safety during Pregnancy
Many women worry that it is not safe to wear a seatbelt during pregnancy. The opposite is actually true. During your pregnancy it is more important than ever that you buckle up, to protect yourself AND your unborn child. In the unlikely event that you are in an accident, a seatbelt can prevent you from hurling through your car window. Remember that your baby has a thick layer of amniotic fluid surrounding her to protect her from any sudden jarring or impact that might occur during a minor collision. Most of the pregnancy related injuries that do occur during pregnancy are the result of car accidents, so it is important that you buckle up to reduce your risk of serious injury.
Do you need a special seat belt during pregnancy? Not necessarily. Your lap belt should fit over your thighs underneath your belly, and be tightened so that it is snug but not uncomfortable. It is important that you also wear your shoulder strap, with the strap placed between your breasts diagonally and resting against your chest. The shoulder belt should also be snug but not uncomfortable. Never use just one belt or the other, as you could be compromising your safety or that of your baby!
Pregnancy Pillow
Pregnancy Pillows Help Alleviate Leg Cramping
Many pregnant women experience leg cramping during pregnancy. This is a common side effect of pregnancy brought on by hormone changes, anxiety and the increasing weight associated with carrying around a new baby. Fortunately there are several strategies you can adopt to help combat leg cramping, including using a body pillow while sleeping at night.
Using Snoozer Pregnancy Pillows will help alleviate some of the pressure on your joints and muscles as well as back when you are trying to sleep at night. Many women also find they simply help them feel more comfortable in general, which contributes to their inner sense of well being and reduces anxiety. Simply reducing anxiety in some cases is all it takes to help relieve annoying leg cramps during pregnancy!
Maternity Clothes
Intimate Apparel: A Must Have For Expectant Women
What woman doesn’t want to look and feel attractive throughout her pregnancy? Finding intimate apparel to wear during your pregnancy doesn’t have to be a chore. Yes your body is changing each and every day. Fortunately there are many quality and elegant options available for mothers looking for Stylish Maternity wear during their pregnancy. One of the more important things to look for is supportive and flowing garments that move with you as you grow and expand.
Whether you are looking for something special to wear for a Special Occasion A Pea in the Pod clothing comes in all shapes, sizes, fabrics and styles for women during pregnancy and after.
Pregnancy Health Tips
Many women wonder early in their pregnancy if they might be carrying twins. Your physician might start suspecting a twin pregnancy at 12 weeks if your uterus is larger than expected for dates. Most of the time however a uterus that is larger than normal is the result of a miscalculated due date rather than twins. However, your healthcare provider might opt to perform an ultrasound at 12 weeks pregnant (though some perform one many weeks sooner) to determine if your date is correct or if you are carrying twins.
Some tell tale signs that you might be carrying twins include: larger than average uterus for dates, larger weight gain early in pregnancy, more than one heartbeat, worse than normal morning sickness, increased levels of AFP.
A twin pregnancy is usually considered a higher risk pregnancy, but that doesn't necessarily mean you will have complications. One of the more common risks associated with carrying twins is pre-term labor, but many people will go on to carry their twins to term.
There is a slightly elevated chance of miscarriage in multiple pregnancies. Sometimes a mother will lose one baby but go on to carry the other to term. Most of the time however, the risk of fetal loss is reduced after the 12th week of pregnancy. Typically women who lose one twin will go on to deliver the other baby without complication. If a twin is lost in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy it will actually be reabsorbed and not cause any harm for the health of the infant that is continuing its development in your body. If you are carrying twins or more you are also at an increased risk for developing preeclampsia, a condition that results in high blood pressure during pregnancy. Preeclampsia is more common in up to 20 percent of women carrying multiples.
Are there certain things you should consider if you are pregnant with twins or more? You may realize worse than normal pregnancy symptoms if you are carrying twins, but this isn't always the case. Horrible morning sickness can strike a mom carrying a singleton just as much as one carrying multiples. Symptoms of fatigue and general discomfort are sometimes greater in moms carrying multiples, particularly later in pregnancy or during the third trimester.
Almost half of all mothers with multiples will go into labor before 37 weeks pregnant. Many women assume that they will undergo a cesarean section if they are carrying twins, but this is not always the case. There is a good chance you will be able to deliver both of your babies vaginally, depending on the position they present in at birth, and whether or not you experience any complications such as preelcampsia during your pregnancy. Some women will have to be put on bed rest during their pregnancy in order to help minimize complications such as pre-term labor. A woman carrying multiples will likely be encouraged to take things easy much earlier than a woman carrying one baby.
If you are carrying multiples, even during pregnancy week 12 it is very important that you remain well hydrated and eat nutrient dense foods to maintain your energy levels and remain healthy during pregnancy. The average weight gain for a twin pregnancy is usually 45 pounds, which is more than the 25-35 pounds recommended for singleton mothers.
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