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Pregnancy Week 12
02.53 | Author: Harni

How Big is the Baby?

At 12 weeks pregnant your baby is just about two and a half inches long and weighs up to half an ounce!

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Your Baby's Growth and Development

Your baby continues to grow and develop tremendously during pregnancy week 12. You'll be amazed at the pregnancy week by week changes that start occurring within your baby in the upcoming months. Your baby's genitals will start showing signs of being either male or female soon. During pregnancy week 12, your baby's brain is starting to make hormones, and nerve cells are multiplying at a rapid rate. Your baby may be sucking as early as this week, and your baby's kidneys may even be producing urine.

By pregnancy 12 weeks if you stimulate certain points of your uterus your baby may move in response, though you won't be able to actually feel your baby moving for another few weeks!

Your Growth and Development

You are growing and expanding! By the end of pregnancy week 12 your uterus will pop out of your pelvis, and appear just above the pubic bone. It will continue to grow into your abdomen. While it may take nine months for your uterus to grow large enough to hold your baby, it will return to its pre-pregnancy size just weeks after delivery!

Your uterus will also weigh more and more as your pregnancy at 12 weeks continues to progress. By the end of your pregnancy your uterus will weigh up to 2 pounds, compared to 2.5 ounces prior to your pregnancy!

Changes in You

You might be noticing some skin changes during pregnancy 12 weeks. If you have a lot of freckles during pregnancy, they may start to darken after pregnancy week 12. Some women form a dark vertical line that runs the length of their abdomen during pregnancy. This is called the linea nigra. It usually appears sometime during the second trimester. It will gradually fade within a few weeks of delivery. The skin surrounding your nipples and areolas will likely darken as well.

Other women have patches of brown skin that form on the face and neck. These are commonly referred to as the mask of pregnancy, and usually disappear completely or become lighter after you deliver. You should always wear sunscreen during pregnancy to protect your skin, which may prove more sensitive throughout your pregnancy. There are many chemical free versions of sun block available on the market today, which are perfectly suitable during pregnancy.

Some women religiously use wrinkle creams and other skin firming lotions prior to pregnancy. If you typically use a product with high concentrations of Vitamin A, you should stop during pregnancy. Too much vitamin A can be harmful to you and your developing fetus. Vitamin A is found in prenatal vitamins up to 5,000 IUs. This is a beneficial dose for helping promote bone growth and support and strengthen the teeth. Larger doses of vitamin A however can cause liver damage and jaundice. If you aren't sure whether or not a product is safe, be sure to consult with your healthcare provider before continuing its use.

You may find that you are experiencing more heartburn than normal at 12 weeks pregnant. Heartburn is a burning sensation in the throat, chest and upper abdomen. This is a very common complaint during pregnancy at 12 weeks. It is caused by an increase in the hormone progesterone during pregnancy. Progesterone relaxes the valve between your stomach and esophagus. This relaxation allows stomach acids to enter the esophagus and cause severe irritation, which gives you the sensation of a burning feeling. Some great suggestions to relieve and prevent heartburn are as follows:

* Eat less at each meal and have six meals a day instead of three.

* Chew your food adequately and eat slowly.

* Drink liquids before and after your meals and not with them.

* For heavens sake stay away from fatty and greasy foods which will only make

the problem worse.

* Stay away from fizzy drinks, citrus juices and spicy meals.

* Do not eat before going to bed.

* Raise the head of your bed or prop yourself up with pillows which will help

minimize heartburn.

* Consider liquid antacids… they work much better than the tablet forms.

Seatbelt Safety during Pregnancy

Many women worry that it is not safe to wear a seatbelt during pregnancy. The opposite is actually true. During your pregnancy it is more important than ever that you buckle up, to protect yourself AND your unborn child. In the unlikely event that you are in an accident, a seatbelt can prevent you from hurling through your car window. Remember that your baby has a thick layer of amniotic fluid surrounding her to protect her from any sudden jarring or impact that might occur during a minor collision. Most of the pregnancy related injuries that do occur during pregnancy are the result of car accidents, so it is important that you buckle up to reduce your risk of serious injury.

Do you need a special seat belt during pregnancy? Not necessarily. Your lap belt should fit over your thighs underneath your belly, and be tightened so that it is snug but not uncomfortable. It is important that you also wear your shoulder strap, with the strap placed between your breasts diagonally and resting against your chest. The shoulder belt should also be snug but not uncomfortable. Never use just one belt or the other, as you could be compromising your safety or that of your baby!

Pregnancy Pillow

Pregnancy Pillows Help Alleviate Leg Cramping

Many pregnant women experience leg cramping during pregnancy. This is a common side effect of pregnancy brought on by hormone changes, anxiety and the increasing weight associated with carrying around a new baby. Fortunately there are several strategies you can adopt to help combat leg cramping, including using a body pillow while sleeping at night.

Using Snoozer Pregnancy Pillows will help alleviate some of the pressure on your joints and muscles as well as back when you are trying to sleep at night. Many women also find they simply help them feel more comfortable in general, which contributes to their inner sense of well being and reduces anxiety. Simply reducing anxiety in some cases is all it takes to help relieve annoying leg cramps during pregnancy!

Maternity Clothes

Intimate Apparel: A Must Have For Expectant Women

What woman doesn’t want to look and feel attractive throughout her pregnancy? Finding intimate apparel to wear during your pregnancy doesn’t have to be a chore. Yes your body is changing each and every day. Fortunately there are many quality and elegant options available for mothers looking for Stylish Maternity wear during their pregnancy. One of the more important things to look for is supportive and flowing garments that move with you as you grow and expand.

Whether you are looking for something special to wear for a Special Occasion A Pea in the Pod clothing comes in all shapes, sizes, fabrics and styles for women during pregnancy and after.

Pregnancy Health Tips

Many women wonder early in their pregnancy if they might be carrying twins. Your physician might start suspecting a twin pregnancy at 12 weeks if your uterus is larger than expected for dates. Most of the time however a uterus that is larger than normal is the result of a miscalculated due date rather than twins. However, your healthcare provider might opt to perform an ultrasound at 12 weeks pregnant (though some perform one many weeks sooner) to determine if your date is correct or if you are carrying twins.

Some tell tale signs that you might be carrying twins include: larger than average uterus for dates, larger weight gain early in pregnancy, more than one heartbeat, worse than normal morning sickness, increased levels of AFP.

A twin pregnancy is usually considered a higher risk pregnancy, but that doesn't necessarily mean you will have complications. One of the more common risks associated with carrying twins is pre-term labor, but many people will go on to carry their twins to term.

There is a slightly elevated chance of miscarriage in multiple pregnancies. Sometimes a mother will lose one baby but go on to carry the other to term. Most of the time however, the risk of fetal loss is reduced after the 12th week of pregnancy. Typically women who lose one twin will go on to deliver the other baby without complication. If a twin is lost in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy it will actually be reabsorbed and not cause any harm for the health of the infant that is continuing its development in your body. If you are carrying twins or more you are also at an increased risk for developing preeclampsia, a condition that results in high blood pressure during pregnancy. Preeclampsia is more common in up to 20 percent of women carrying multiples.

Are there certain things you should consider if you are pregnant with twins or more? You may realize worse than normal pregnancy symptoms if you are carrying twins, but this isn't always the case. Horrible morning sickness can strike a mom carrying a singleton just as much as one carrying multiples. Symptoms of fatigue and general discomfort are sometimes greater in moms carrying multiples, particularly later in pregnancy or during the third trimester.

Almost half of all mothers with multiples will go into labor before 37 weeks pregnant. Many women assume that they will undergo a cesarean section if they are carrying twins, but this is not always the case. There is a good chance you will be able to deliver both of your babies vaginally, depending on the position they present in at birth, and whether or not you experience any complications such as preelcampsia during your pregnancy. Some women will have to be put on bed rest during their pregnancy in order to help minimize complications such as pre-term labor. A woman carrying multiples will likely be encouraged to take things easy much earlier than a woman carrying one baby.

If you are carrying multiples, even during pregnancy week 12 it is very important that you remain well hydrated and eat nutrient dense foods to maintain your energy levels and remain healthy during pregnancy. The average weight gain for a twin pregnancy is usually 45 pounds, which is more than the 25-35 pounds recommended for singleton mothers.


Pregnancy Week 11
02.51 | Author: Harni

How Big is the Baby at Eleven Weeks Pregnant?

Your little one is growing larger and larger as you continue your pregnancy week by week. By pregnancy week 11 your baby is big enough to hold in the palm of your hand. Between 1.75 and 2.4 inches long your little bean weighs almost .3 of an ounce, and is probably about the size of a small plum.

Your Baby's Growth and Development

By pregnancy 11 weeks you can still see right through your baby's skin. In fact, your baby's skin will remain paper thin throughout much of your pregnancy, until you come closer to term. If you were to look directly at your baby during pregnancy week 11 you could see her blood vessels through the skin. By this point in time your little one should be able to open and close her fists, and is starting to form little buds that will one day pop out as teeth!

By pregnancy 11 weeks your baby's fingers and toes have lost their amphibious like resemblance, now separated instead of webbed. Your little one is taking advantage of the huge space she is floating in by pregnancy 11 weeks, by kicking and squirming about. In the next three weeks your baby will go through a tremendous growth spurt, almost doubling in size. At no other time in your baby's life will she undergo as many rapid changes as are occurring during this stage of your pregnancy.

Your Growth and Development

You may be starting to show a bit by 11 weeks pregnant at this point (but not very much unless you have already had a baby). You are almost at the end of your first trimester by pregnancy at 11 weeks but you still may not look pregnant to onlookers, which some women find frustrating. Take comfort knowing that your uterus however is now just about big enough to fill your pelvis and is probably poking up above the middle of your pubic bone. Before you know it your tummy will pronounce to the whole world that you are pregnant!

Changes in You

By 11 weeks pregnant you should be feeling pretty pregnant, even if you don't look very pregnant. You might start to notice that your hair and fingernails start growing very rapidly. For some women this doesn't happen until closer to the third trimester, but others notice it right away. However, some women also find that their hair is more unruly than normal, so don't count on thick locks during pregnancy necessarily. If you have been suffering from terrible morning sickness, take heart knowing that in just another week or two you should start to feel remarkably better. Many women start gaining weight, about a pound per week during the second trimester, as they find their nausea subsiding.

You might be continuing to have mixed emotions about your pregnancy during pregnancy at 11 weeks. Many women find themselves tuning into parenting and health channels that talk about pregnancy. Keep your spirits up as much as possible as you follow your pregnancy week by week, and remember that shedding an occasional tear is perfectly normal and healthy.

Pregnancy Pillows

Relaxation Techniques During Pregnancy

Most women find as their pregnancy progresses they have difficulty relaxing. This can result from increasing stress related to their pending entry into parenthood, or simply from the discomfort of carrying around a baby. As your uterus grows and expands, you will find it more difficult to get comfortable during the night. This can make it hard to relax...and sleep!

Fortunately there is a simple solution for pregnancy sleep woes... a pregnancy pillow! Pregnancy pillows like Snoozer Pregnancy Pillows are the perfect accessory for any pregnant woman dying for a good night's sleep. They help improve your comfort allowing many women to sleep better longer!

Maternity Clothes

Maternity Clothes That Help Breastfeeding Moms Succeed

Breastfeeding is difficult enough to master without having to worry about finding clothes that easily lend themselves to the process. Fortunately there are a variety of maternity outfits that help make breastfeeding much easier. Take a look at Motherhood-nursing wearthat are readily available to help make feeding your baby easier in the first few weeks of life and beyond. Many women start looking for breastfeeding maternity wear while still pregnant, particularly nursing bras. This is an exceptional idea, particularly if you find your breasts growing and in need of more support during your pregnancy. Your breastfeeding experience should be easy, feminine and above all else comfortable.

Think cotton is the best choice for your nursing bra? Think again. Over time cotton can stretch out or lose its shape. When looking for nursing bras to complement breastfeeding, consider a bra with a cotton/Lycra or spandex and nylon blend. When it comes to breastfeeding, you have a wealth of options available to you.

Varicose veins plague many women during pregnancy. Some women have varicose veins prior to pregnancy that get worse during pregnancy, while some women will develop varicose veins for the first time during their pregnancy. Varicose veins are generally the result of increasing levels of blood volume in the body, combined with pressure your uterus places on veins in the lower half of your body. Pressure from your uterus can actually increase the blood pressure specifically in your legs, leading to swelling in the blood vessels and varicose or bulging veins.

Pregnancy Health Tips

Some pregnant women may also develop varicose veins in places other than their legs. The increased blood volume during pregnancy and the weight of the growing uterus can increase the pressure in the tiny veins in the vagina or vulva and around the rectum. When the blood vessels in the vulva dilate they are called vulvar varicosities and when the blood vessels around the rectum dilate they are called hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are usually associated with pain, itching and bleeding. The dilated blood vessels associated with hemorrhoids can even stick out of the rectum causing significant discomfort. Fortunately most over-the-counter creams and suppositories will make the discomfort from hemorrhoids more bearable. Tronolane Anesthetic Hemorrhoid Cream relieves pain and itching immediately.

There is actually a new anti-inflammatory anesthetic available via prescription that may help alleviate much of the hemorrhoid pain you experience during pregnancy. It is from Kenwood therapeutics and is called AnaMantle HC. Many women have found that it provides immediate relief of their pain. One of the reasons for this is it contains Lidocaine which numbs the hemorrhoids on contact. Because this medication is prescription only, you should consult with your physician to see if it might be indicated in your particular situation. Your physician might recommend this or a similar product to provide you with relief from the pain and swelling associated with hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy usually will become more bothersome as your pregnancy progresses. With straining during delivery the hemorrhoids may enlarge and cause significant discomfort. After delivery sitz baths, tucks pads, Anusol suppositories and Lidocaine topical anesthetic may offer great relief. The good news is that most hemorrhoids will regress and go away shortly after the baby is born.

Vulvar varicosities can be quite painful as the labial lips become swollen and stretched from the engorged blood vessels. The labial tissue may actually swell to the size of a softball. Don't fret, after delivery with the reduced pressure in the pelvis and a good old fashion ice pack the swelling and the pain subside.

The good news is most women will realize an improvement in their symptoms a short time after they deliver. There are a number of factors that will influence your susceptibility to varicose veins, including your family history and the amount of weight you gain during pregnancy.

Can you do anything to stop varicose veins from forming? While there are no guarantees, there are several things you can do to minimize the effects of varicose veins and minimize your discomfort. One thing you should consider is investing in a pair of maternity pantyhose support stockings. Medical grade support stockings are a superb method for maintaining adequate circulation in the legs and helping to prevent varicose veins. You may find they also minimize pain associated with pre-existing varicosities, and prevent your condition from worsening. Support hose should be put on first thing in the morning, before you get up out of bed. This will also help prevent excessive edema or swelling in your legs during the day.

Exercise is also critical during pregnancy to help prevent varicose veins. The longer you stand still for periods of time, the more likely blood is to pool in your legs causing problems. If you have a job that requires you to sit or stand a lot, be sure to go for short walks during your breaks to help promote circulation. Try to get some form of exercise each and every day, even if you are sitting at your desk doing stretches. Pumping your toes and calf muscles can help improve your circulation and minimize blood pooling in the legs. You'll also find that exercise boosts your spirits, and for that reason alone is invaluable during pregnancy.

Another thing you can do to help minimize varicosities is elevate your legs whenever you are sitting or laying. If you are home prop your feet up. You should also avoid crossing your legs, which can help blood pool in the legs. When sitting at your desk, be sure to find something to kick your legs up on. Don't forget to get up and walk around periodically to keep the blood circulating in your system.

Most of the time varicose veins during pregnancy are nothing to worry about. Most women simply don't like the appearance of them. However there are a small number of people who are at risk for developing blood clots in the veins. Signs of a clot may include a hard, painful or red lump near the surface of your skin, or a swollen leg or calf. If the blood clot is superficial, meaning it is close to the surface of the leg, it is not dangerous. Your physician may just ask you to use support stockings, warm compresses and rest with your feet elevated. If there is suspicion of a blood clot in the large deep veins of the leg your physician will order an ultrasound Doppler study of the leg. If a blood clot is found in the deep veins of your leg it is called a DVT or deep venous thrombosis.

A blood clot in the deep veins of the leg can become a very serious and life threatening condition. If it breaks away from the vein and travels to the lungs it is a condition referred to as a pulmonary embolism. This condition is very rare, so don't be overly concerned about this, but talk with your doctor to discuss whether or not you may have any risk factors for this condition. Chances are they will be able to put your mind at ease and offer you practical suggestions to overcome any fear or discomfort you are experiencing.

If you find that the varicose veins in your legs do not fade after pregnancy, fortunately there are a number of new varicose vein treatments available to treat them. Some of them are more invasive than others. Less invasive procedures include scleropathy, which may help improve the appearance of small varicosities and spider veins in the leg. The scleropathy procedure involves the injection of a chemical solution into the unwanted blood vessel which causes irritation and sticking together of the vessels walls. This leads to fibrosis of the vessel, making it unable to carry blood and no longer visible in the skin. For larger veins your healthcare provider might recommend a mini-stripping or some form of laser therapy. Be sure you consult with a physician if you have varicose veins that continue to be painful or uncomfortable several weeks after giving birth.


Pregnancy Week 10
02.50 | Author: Harni

How Big is the Baby at Ten Weeks Pregnant?

Your baby is getting big... in fact, by pregnancy week 10 your baby is big enough to start being weighed! By pregnancy week 10 your baby will measure between 31 and 42 mm or a little more than an inch and a half! Your baby is about the size of a lime, maybe slightly larger by now.

Your Baby's Growth and Development

By the end of pregnancy 10 weeks your baby will have moved past the embryonic period, and will begin the 'fetal' period. The fetal period is the time when your fetus will grow rapidly. By week ten your baby is less at risk for congenital malformations, which usually occur during the first nine weeks of pregnancy. You should breathe a big sigh of relief by the end of pregnancy week 10 now that this important developmental stage is past!

It is important however that you know that any exposure to toxins even during this time or throughout your pregnancy week by week can be damaging or harmful for your fetus. Your baby's health and well being depend in large part upon your ability to take care to protect them during the duration of your pregnancy.

One of the more common exposures that women may not consider during pregnancy is second hand smoke. Second hand smoke can be harmful particularly during pregnancy. If you find yourself in an environment where people are smoking, remove yourself as quickly as possible. Don't hesitate to address your needs or assert yourself during this all important time. Most people will certainly understand your concerns and will be more than happy to accommodate any requests to avoid exposing your baby to unnecessary toxins.

By the end of pregnancy week 10 your baby's organ systems are growing quickly. Now internal organs are starting to form and the vital organs including the liver, kidney, intestines and brain will start functioning. In the next three weeks alone your baby's length will grow exponentially. Tiny details will start appearing on your baby's body, including items such as toenails. If you were to look really closely you might even notice some peach fuzz growing on your baby's skin! By now your baby will be consumed with swallowing and kicking. That's right, your baby will swallow amniotic fluid during your pregnancy. Consider it a practice run for breathing once she is born! Spinal nerves are also visible at this point in pregnancy, and your baby's liver is busy making blood cells.

Pregnancy Medical Facts!

Pregnancy Weight Gain and the Health of Your Newborn Baby

Either excessive pregnancy weight gain or inadequate weight gain is associated with adverse infant outcomes. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has set guidelines for weight gain in pregnancy. Pregnancy weight gain above the recommended IOM guidelines is more common that pregnancy weight gain below the guidelines. Unfortunately, women who gain weight in pregnancy in excess of the recommended guidelines give birth to babies with more problems than babies born to women who gained weight within the recommended guidelines. It is also know that inadequate weight gain during pregnancy clearly places your baby at an increased risk for problems at birth. Weight gain in pregnancy both over and under the recommended Institute of Medicine guidelines will increase the changes of your baby having problems at delivery and after. The better controlled your pregnancy weight gain is the healthier your baby will be at birth.


The evidence continues to mount regarding the value of breastfeeding for both mom and baby. Human milk provides developmental, nutritional, and immunologic benefits to the infant that cannot be duplicated by formula feeding. With the development of iron-fortified formula in the late 1950s, breastfeeding rates began to decrease as formula feeding gained popularity. Since that time breastfeeding have been increasing but they have not yet reached the goal set by the U.S. Public health Service for 75% of mothers to initiate breastfeeding after delivery.

Your Growth and Development

You may think you are starting to show by pregnancy 10 weeks, but most people still probably can't tell that you are pregnant yet. That is ok! After pregnancy week 10 and in the next few weeks you will start seeing some changes in your profile, your partner may have already commented on your ever so slightly more rounded belly!

Changes in You

Hang in there, now that you are 10 weeks pregnant just a couple more weeks and you should start realizing some significant relief from morning sickness!

By 10 weeks pregnant you are probably starting to feel more and more positive about your pregnancy. You have probably had the opportunity by now to hear your baby's heartbeat for the first time at your doctor's office. The sound of your baby's heartbeat for the first time will probably send you and your partner to the moon and back.

If you haven't invited your partner to accompany you to your prenatal visits by pregnancy at 10 weeks, you might consider doing so now. Though many are 'run of the mill' checks, your partner will feel more a part of your pregnancy week by week and more helpful and supportive if they are invited to your prenatal visits. During your visits your partner and you will also have the opportunity to discuss any questions and concerns you may be having about your pregnancy. Your partner may even think of a few questions you may never have even considered!

Pregnancy Pillow

You Can Sleep Comfortably during Pregnancy

Most women find they have trouble sleeping at night during pregnancy. This is due to rapidly changing hormones, not to mention your expanding uterus. As you continue to grow during pregnancy, you'll likely find you have more difficulty sleeping at night. Many women find it is extremely difficult to get into a comfortable position so they can sleep comfortable and soundly.

If you are one of many mothers having difficulty sleeping during pregnancy, Snoozer Pregnancy Pillows can help! Simply tuck one in along side your tummy and you'll find you sleep a lot more comfortably. A good pregnancy or maternity pillow will provide your tummy much needed support. You may even find it so comfortable you continue using it in the months following delivery of your newborn baby!

Maternity Clothes

Maternity Shorts: The Best Option For Moms

Want to know one thing all moms have in common? They are hot… no, we aren’t referring to the fact that moms look good (even though all pregnant women are masterpieces!). We are referring to the fact that most moms feel very hot while pregnant because their body temperature is higher than normal. If this feels like you then check out the amazing selection of maternity shorts vendors have to offer this year. If you are expecting, there is no reason you can’t wear Maternity Shorts from Motherhood Maternity all year round, particularly if that is what it takes to keep you cool and comfortable. So what are you waiting for?

Pregnancy Health Tips

Many women are concerned with genetic testing during pregnancy. There are some tests that are common to most women during pregnancy and others that are done under special circumstances. Women who are of advanced maternal age, over 35 years of age, may opt to undergo a test referred to as chorionic villus sampling or CVS, which can help detect genetic abnormalities that might lead to Down syndrome and other disorders.

This test is typically conducted between the 9th and 11th weeks of pregnancy. There is a small risk of miscarriage associated with the procedure, thus you should discuss the risks with your healthcare practitioner prior to deciding to undergo this test. The CVS is considered one of the more invasive tests that can be performed during pregnancy, and is usually only indicated in pregnancies that are associated with a family of genetic hereditary disease or women older than 35 years of age.

The triple screen test is a common and safe test performed during pregnancy. It is a non-invasive blood test taken between the beginning of the 15th week and the 17th week. This test measures levels of three proteins in the blood, AFP, HCG and UE3. The levels of these proteins are compared with the mother's age and ethnicity of the parents and can determine the probability of a potential genetic problem in the baby. Some of the more common problems the test can help identify include:

* Downs syndrome

* Neural tube defects (defect of the lower spine)

* Babies at risk for low birth weight and premature delivery

* Ventral wall abnormalities (defects of the umbilical cord and bowel)

It is important that you remember that no genetic test is 100% accurate. The triple test is a screening instrument and not a diagnosis. That means that while the test may indicate your fetus is at risk for Downs Syndrome, it doesn't mean that your baby will be born with this or any other disorder. Many women in fact have false positive tests. A false positive test is usually a result from your calculated due date being incorrect.

If your test results from a triple screen come back positive your physician may recommend an amniocentesis, which is another invasive procedure that examines fluid from the amniotic sac. Amniocentesis requires that a needle be inserted through your abdomen and into the uterus. Your healthcare provider will then extract amniotic fluid for testing. The healthcare provider will use ultrasound to ensure that they do not harm the fetus with the needle. There is a risk of damage or infection in the fetus when this procedure is chosen, thus it is typically only recommended during high-risk pregnancies that have a positive triple screening test or advanced maternal age.

The CVS test is actually considered more risky than an amniocentesis. Whether or not you decide to opt for genetic testing is your decision entirely. You may be pre-disposed to certain conditions. Many parents want to know of the possibility of a potential problem ahead of time so they can prepare themselves mentally for what is to come in the weeks to follow. It is important that you go into any testing situation fully informed and aware of the potential benefits and risks.

Remember that testing is not without its associated errors and false positive results. Many babies that have positive test results are born perfectly healthy. Be sure you discuss your situation with your doctor in detail before deciding on any procedures that may be indicated for you. Some women will opt to forgo any genetic screenings even if a triple marker test indicates the potential for a birth defect or genetic abnormality. Have confidence that you can make the decision that is best for you and your baby, and be sure to lean on your family and friends for support when necessary.


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