Tips for Morning Sickness
It's actually a misnomer. Morning sickness can strike at anytime of the day or night, sometimes all day and all night.
I recently read a book from the early 1990s that said morning sickness was now a thing of the past. I bet you'd have trouble explaining that to those of us who routinely wind up hanging our heads over the toilet.
In any case about 50% of all pregnant women will experience some form of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Trying to eat a healthy diet can become very difficult when you've also got to deal with problems like food aversions, a sensitive sniffer, and a growling, churning stomach. Here are some ideas to help you get along your days and nights, and hopefully feel a little bit better.
- Eat something high in protein before going to bed. Helps your blood sugar stay more level.
- Two crackers before your head leaves the pillow is old but wise advice.
- Have sips of ice water as the urge to purge strikes. Many women say that this helps them keep meals down as well.
- Flat Sprite® is supposedly great at keeping the stomach from churning.
- Avoid foods and smells that seem to trigger nausea. Sometimes this will be nearly every food or every smell.
- Ginger, teas, cookies, even the spice can be helpful in preventing nausea.
- Acupressure bands can be worn like bracelets and can curb nausea while you wear them. But be forewarned as one mom says, stand next to a bucket when you take them off!
- Smaller frequent meals can also help keep an ailing belly at bay.
- Peppermint, either smelling it in aromatherapy form or sipping the tea can help curb nausea. It's also known to help with sagging energy levels.
- Try peanut butter or other protein snack before rising from your bed.
- A teaspoon of cider vinegar in a cup of warm water has been said to be effective.
- Take a deep breath. It might be mind over matter sometimes.
- Comfort foods! Eat what you can, if it stays down it is probably a good thing. Slowly add more foods to your diet as possible.
- Sleep to avoid nausea. Hey, don't knock it until you've tried it.
- One mom swears by cold veggies soaking in water to help relieve the churning feeling.
- When possible avoid hunger, it can also make your stomach upset.
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